What to Compost

Find out if certain waste is compostable using the resources below, as it is critical to avoid contamination when composting. Play a quizlet game to test your knowledge!

Comprehensive Guide

Click through the image to check out a comprehensive list of what you can and cannot compost, and learn more information about the composting program in Orange County.

Compostables Poster

This poster displays materials which are compostable at a commercial composting facility. These compostable materials are acceptable at the Orange County waste drop off locations. Click the image for a full view.

GoCompost App

GoCompost is a FREE app and now available on both the App Store and the Google Play Store. The App's CHECK function helps users find out whether or not certain types of waste are compostable. This section contains both EPA and OCSWM lists of compostables and it can be searched using key words, in order to check if an item is compostable at home or acceptable at Orange County organic waste drop off locations.

Ready to test your knowledge? Here you go!